Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday ordered "disciplinary proceedings for major penalty" against former DGP S Chattopadhyaya and two other police officers over Prime Minister's security breach during his visit to the state in January last year. Inderbir Singh, the then deputy inspector general (DIG) of police of Ferozepur range, and Harmandeep Singh Hans, the then senior superintendent of police (SSP) of Ferozepur, will face the "disciplinary proceedings for major penalty" order by the CM along with the former DGP. The officers will also have to submit their responses.
According to the Home Affairs department's communication to the Personnel department issued on Monday, Chief Minister Mann decided to seek explanations from G Nageshwara Rao, the then ADGP Cyber Crime, Naresh Arora, the then ADGP (Law and Order), Mukhvinder Singh Chhina, the then IGP Patiala Range, Surjeet Singh, the then DIG Faridkot, Rakesh Agrawal, the then IG Counter Intelligence, and Charanjit Singh, the then SSP Moga. Mann wanted to seek explanations from the officers as to why disciplinary proceedings should not be initiated against them as recommended in the Supreme Court-constituted inquiry committee report.