Chandigarh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his monthly radio program 'Mann Ki Baat' on Sunday interacted with the parents of the country's youngest donor from Punjab's Amritsar and praised them for their courage. The couple said a friend had advised them to keep their baby girl alive through another person. Following which, they decided to go for organ donation. The couple said their baby girl had come to give life to someone else.
When their 39-day-old baby girl died, her kidney was transplanted in PGI Chandigarh and it gave a new life to another person. The girl was completely fine till 24 days of her birth after which, it was diagnosed that blood was not reaching her brain. The child died on December 2022.
Addressing the 99th edition of 'Mann ki Baat', Modi said the couple has showed a lot of courage in donating their child's kidney. Modi said the government has relaxed rules to encourage people to go for organ donation. "We have done away with the domicile rule enabling anyone in the country to go to any state and get the transplant done," he said. Calling upon citizens to come forward for organ donation, Modi said it is an important medium of giving life to another person in this age of modern medical science and technology. He said that one organ donation changes the lives of eight to 10 people and the donor is considered to be a saviour even after his/her death.
Also Read:Parents donate organs of daughter who died on wedding day in Karnataka
Organ donation cases have increased from 5,000 in 2013 to 15,000 in 2022. The youngest donor of the world is Hope Lee from UK's Newmarker who donated her kidney and liver cells 74 minutes after her borth on Novemver 24, 2015.