Chandigarh: Punjab's new Chief Minister Charnjit Singh Channi has been slammed by the opposition for travelling in a jet plane to Delhi. Punjab Pradesh Congress Chief Navjot Singh Sidhu's tweet sharing photograph of him with CM Channi and Deputy CM Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa Randhawa in front of the plane created ripples in political circles. Sidhu wrote 'in line of duty' as a caption for the photo.
Punjab Leader of Opposition Harpal Cheema (AAP) came to the fore first saying that Channi talks about social reforms, while he uses private jets to meet the High Command. This gives an idea of the intentions of the Congress, he said.
In a stern remark, a senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader said people's money is for ministers only. Further, she said that the chief minister has spent more than one year's salary of 15 employees of 108 ambulances service on his single visit to Delhi.
Shiromani Akali Dal also took a dig at the CM. After saying that they stand with the comman man, INC leaders take private jets to travel just 250 kms from Chandigarh to Delhi. Are there no normal flights or cars that can be used? Or is this chest thumping aimed at propagation of Gandhi's family's Delhi Darbar culture?" tweeted SAD.