Chandigarh: The Bhagwant Mann led AAP government in Punjab completed one year in office on Thursday. A year down the line since Mann and his ministers were sworn in on March 16 last year, Punjab has been in news for mixed reasons. From the Mohalla clinics set up by the Mann government on the model of Delhi to power waiver and to the resurgence of radical Sikh group Waris Punjab De led by Amritpal Singh, the state saw it all.
On the first anniversary of the AAP government in Punjab, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann reached out to the Punjabis. He said that the AAP will make stronger the faith that people reposed in the party last year. Delhi CM and AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal also tweeted on the occasion that the remaining guarantees to the people of Punjab will be fulfilled this year. Let us have a look at Bhagwant Mann's year in office.
Challenges-In the last one year, religious extremists have posed a challenge before the AAP government of law and order issue. The latest episode being the storming of a police station in Ajnala in Amritsar by Waris Punjab De led by Amritpal Singh against the detention of their fellow leader in which several cops were injured.
The radical Sikh challenge notwithstanding, the AAP government has grabbed headlines for the anti-corruption front. The AAP boasts of fulfilling the election promise of providing Aam Aadmi Clinics, 300 units free electricity and over 25000 promised jobs.
Crackdown on corruption- The AAP government in Punjab has set up the CM's round the clock helpline number to tackle corruption in the state. Taking the lead, Mann sacked his own health minister Vijay Singla on corruption. Besides, the axe has also fallen on three Congress Ministers on corruption charges. The Bhagwant Mann government has also flagged off two batches of school principals to Singapore for training. The state government has also set up 117 Schools of Eminence.
Jobs provided- The Bhagwant Mann government told the state assembly recently that 26,797 government jobs have been provided to the unemployed youth in 1 year in Punjab for which a budget of Rs 231 crore was set aside.