Amritsar: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on late Saturday night conducted a raid at the Amritsar Central Jail in Punjab. Notably, this was the first raid at the Amritsar jail. At the same time, on Saturday, the NIA conducted raids at 14 locations in north India to prevent cross-border narco-terrorism. Apart from Jammu and Kashmir, the NIA carried out raids in Amritsar, Ferozepur and Tarn Taran.
NIA conducts raid at Amritsar Central Jail in Punjab
During the search, the NIA team seized two mobile phones from the Central Jail. The NIA had strong evidence that arms and drug supply networks from Pakistan were operating from the jail.
Also read:NIA carries out searches at 14 locations in case related to terror activities
During the search, the NIA team seized two mobile phones from the Central Jail. The NIA had strong evidence that arms and drug supply networks from Pakistan were operating from the jail. Notably, from Amritsar Central Jail, many mobiles and banned items have been recovered. Earlier on Friday, the NIA raided several locations in the Kashmir Valley in connection with a case related to militancy funding.