Patiala: Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu, who went to jail in the Rodredge case, will be released on Republic Day, as per sources. Sidhu's name is included among more than 50 prisoners, who will be released by the state prison department, on the occasion of January 26. The list has to be sent to the Chief Minister and then to the Governor for final approval.
According to media reports, as per the new guidelines issued by the Government of India, Sidhu's name has been included in the proposed list of prisoners to be released on Republic Day. A report of Sidhu's good behavior has also been given by the jail department.
According to the information received from the sources, Navjot Singh Sidhu may be released as per the special guidelines of the Central government on the 'Azadi da Fayada'. Sources also said that Sidhu's case was not taken up specifically, but there are more than 50 names in the list made as per the Union government's guidelines.