Faridkot (Punjab):Police have asked people not to venture outside their homes after a CCTV camera captured a leopard in Bir Sikhwala village of Punjab's Faridkot on Saturday. Also, pugmarks were discovered in the area. It is being suspected that the animal could have strayed into the village from the nearby forest.
The incident has triggered panic among residents of the Kotakpura area. According to villagers, some people spotted a leopard on Saturday evening after which, the CCTV cameras were checked. After looking at the footage, villages saw a leopard strolling in the area. They immediately informed the forest department officials.
On information, a team led by DSP Kotakpura Shamsher Singh Shergill and forest department officials reached the spot and launched a search operation. After spotting pugmarks near a house, the teams suspect that a leopard might have entered into the area.