Mumbai:Veteran actress and BJP MP Kirron Kher on Tuesday evening shared the news that she has allocated a sum of Rs 1 crore from Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) for the purchase of ventilators for Covid-19 patients by the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh.
"With hope and prayers in my heart, I am donating Rs. 1 crore from MPLADS to the PGI Chandigarh towards the immediate purchase of ventilators for COVID-19 patients. I stand solidly with #MyCity #MyChandigarh #MyPeople @MoHFW_INDIA @BJP4India," Kher tweeted.
Read:|Arunachal MP allocates Rs 12 lakh from MPLADS funds to fight COVID-19
Commenting on her tweet, a section of netizens objected to the use of the word "donate" by the actress-politician because Kher was not giving the money from her pocket.
"Mrs Kher doesn't know the difference between ‘allocation' vs ‘donation'. @KirronKherBJP donation is when you offer money from your personal resources. MPLAD is taxpayers money & you don't own it. #Resign_PM_Modi," commented a user.