Chandigarh: Income Tax Department and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials on Monday raided the premises of famous Punjabi singers Ranjit Bawa and Kanwar Grewal, who had supported the farmers' agitation against the now repealed controversial farm laws, sources said. It is learnt that the IT sleuths launched a raid on four locations of Ranjit Bawa, his residence in Batala and village Wadala Granthian, his office and the residence of his PA Vohra.
Meanwhile, a team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials reached the house of Punjabi singer Kanwar Grewal at Taj Towers in Mohali Sector 104 on Monday morning. The NIA sleuths were assisted by CRPF personnel during the raid. The NIA team is also said to have questioned Kanwar Grewal for a long time.