Chandigarh: Former IPS officer Iqbal Singh Lalpura sent a defamation notice on Wednesday to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Bhagwant Mann and Arvind Kejriwal after AAP shared a post on social media featuring Iqbal Singh Lalpura's photo with the caption "Most Corrupt Persons of Punjab".
In the post, it features a picture of former Congress minister Sadhu Singh Dharamsot, who was arrested on charges of corruption in the forest department, Sangat Singh Giljian, a nominee in the same case, and Joginder Pal, a former Congress MLA arrested for illegal mining. The picture of Lalpura was placed at number four. He was described as a former Congress forest minister accused of illegal logging. However, the post was deleted after a few minutes when the AAP leaders realized the error. But by then, several netizens have seen the post and taken screenshots of it.