Amritsar:Some miscreants allegedly set on fire the stage where 'Ram Leela' was performed in Raya town on the Delhi-Amritsar National Highway in the early hours today, police said. Fire tenders brought the flames under control and no injury or casualty was reported.
The incident took place at around 4 am today while the performers and other members of the troupe were sleeping on the stage. The curtains, mats, sheets and all accessories that were kept on the stage were gutted in fire.
Shri Ram Leela Committee president Barinder Gori said after the 'Ram Leela' show ended last night everyone went to sleep at around 3 am. He along with seven to eight people fell asleep on the stage and were woken up by a burning smell, he said. They found that a portion of the stage was under fire and got down from the stage immediately. They then informed the police and the fire brigade.
The fire tenders reached the spot and the fire was brought under control after sometime. The incident led to a chaos in the area. "By God's grace nobody was injured in the incident but we incurred a financial loss of around Rs 50,000 as several items on the stage were turned to ashes. We have lodged a police complaint and have demanded action against those involved in the incident," a member of the committee said.