Chandigarh: Notorious drug smuggler Jagdish Bhola, who was caught using a mobile phone in prison two days back, was shifted on Sunday from Patiala Central Jail to Gurdaspur Jail. According to sources, the move comes due to security concerns after the mobile phone discovery. Bhola is part of a Rs 6,000 crore synthetic drug racket. The police have expedited investigations following the seizure of the phone.
Drug smuggler Jagdish Bhola shifted to Gurdaspur jail after mobile seizure
Bhola is part of a Rs 6,000 crore synthetic drug racket. The police have expedited investigations following the seizure of the phone.
Drug smuggler Jagdish Bhola shifted to Gurdaspur jail after mobile phone seizure
It is noteworthy that the SIM card of the device is yet to be recovered. Cops have also initiated a forensic investigation of the phone. Patiala Police is yet to interrogate Bhola regarding the incident. The Patiala Central Jail, meanwhile, is also where both former PPCC president Navjot Singh Sidhu and ex-SAD cabinet minister Bikram Majithia are currently lodged.
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