Balluana (Punjab):In a shocking incident, a 75-year-old woman from a village of Fazilka district alleged that her drug addict elder son raped her in an inebriated condition on Tuesday night. The woman was saved by a relative who caught the accused red-handed in the heinous crime. The accused is currently absconding, while the police have lodged a case and are looking for him.
According to the complaint, the incident took place while the family was attending a wedding ceremony near their home in the Balluana constituency here. The accused, a 32-year-old unmarried man, was under the influence of drugs when he committed the crime at around 2 am at night, as informed by the eye-witness -- a cousin of the accused.
“There was no one in the house. Everyone had gone for the wedding. My elder son came home drunk and raped me. I was in a helpless condition. In the meantime, a relative came and rescued me from him,” the woman in her complaint wrote. The Bahawala police have registered a case and launched an investigation, while the accused is absconding.