Amritsar (Punjab): The Border Security Force (BSF) on Monday recovered a Drone carrying a packet of suspected heroin in a field near Roranwala Kalan in Punjab's Amritsar district. On December 3, the BSF recovered about 25 kg of heroin, which was airdropped by a Pakistani Drone in the Fazilka district. On the intervening night of Thursday and Friday, a Drone was found from a field near the India-Pakistan border in the Tarn Taran district, along with over 5 kg of heroin, police said.
Drone carrying heroin recovered in Punjab's Amritsar
A Drone carrying a packet of heroin was recovered near Roranwala Kalan in Punjab's Amritsar district on Monday.
Drone with 1 packet heroin seized in Punjab's Amritsar
Also read:Drone carrying 3 kg heroin recovered along India-Pakistan border in Punjab's Tarn Taran
Earlier on Monday, two Pakistani Drones, carrying around 10 kg of heroin, were gunned down by the BSF along the India-Pakistan border in Amritsar and Tarn Taran. It may be recalled that on November 30, a broken quadcopter Drone was recovered at Van Tara Singh village in Khalra of Tarn Taran.