Chandigarh: In a freak accident, Director General of Police (DGP) Chandigarh Union Territory Praveer Ranjan and his wife Malvika were injured after a tent at a wedding function fell on them due to gusty winds at Lake Club on Sunday, officials said. As per official sources, the mishap took place on Sunday afternoon at Lake Club during the wedding ceremony of the daughter of SHO Sector 3, Sukhdeep Singh.
The said SHO had invited the DGP Chandigarh and his wife for his daughter's wedding. As per sources, the tent erected at the venue collapsed due to strong winds. In the accident, one of the pillars fell on DGP Praveer Ranjan and his wife both of whom were injured in the accident.
The DGP and his wife were immediately rushed to Sector 16 hospital. From the hospital, the couple was referred to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI) Chandigarh. It took 12 sutures to stop the bleeding of the DGP while his wife was given 4 sutures for the injuries.
The DGP and his wife were being treated at Trauma centre. Besides, DSP Gurmukh Singh too sustained injuries on his head, shoulder and back. According to the sources, the arrangements for setting up tents and other amenities at the lake club were leased to a contractor. At present, the Chandigarh police have launched an investigation into the mishap. Police are also investigating all angles into the incident including negligence.
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