Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Monday dismissed as infructuous a plea filed last month claiming that radical preacher Amritpal Singh was in the "illegal custody" of police, a day after his arrest in Punjab's Moga district. Imaan Singh Khara, the legal advisor of Amritpal Singh and his outfit 'Waris Punjab De', had moved the habeas corpus plea on March 19, seeking the production of the preacher from alleged police custody.
In earlier court hearings, the state of Punjab had maintained that Amritpal Singh had neither been detained nor arrested. The court had even asked the petitioner to show evidence that the radical preacher was in illegal custody. The Punjab Police arrested Amritpal Singh in Rode village in Moga district early Sunday, ending an over a month-long manhunt against the radical preacher who styled himself after slain Khalistani militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Khara told reporters after the hearing that as Amritpal Singh has now been detained under the National Security Act (NSA) and sent to the Dibrugarh Central Jail in Assam on April 23, the petition has been dismissed as infructuous.
The preacher was taken into custody at 6.45 am as he came out of a gurdwara in Rode, Bhindranwale's native village and also the place where he himself took over last year as the chief of 'Waris Punjab De'. The 29-year-old Khalistan sympathiser was detained under the stringent NSA and flown to Assam on a special flight to be lodged at the Dibrugarh Central Jail. Police had last month launched a major crackdown against the preacher and his outfit's members.