Chandigarh: While announcing Lockdown 2.0, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave seven ways to fight and defeat coronavirus.
One of the ways suggested was to follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry of AYUSH. To understand how the AYUSH guidelines would help and how Ayurveda can aid in the battle against corona, the ETV Bharat team had a conversation with the District Ayurvedic Officer of Panchkula Dr Dilip Mishra.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Dr Dilip Mishra stated that Ayurveda is in itself an elixir of good health, which is effective in keeping the coronavirus away. Dr Mishra also suggested many measures to improve the immunity system of the body.
Items of daily use will improve immunity
As per treatises of learned ancient Ayurvedic physician Charak who suggested daily consumption of yellow split gram (moong dal), rock salt (sendha namak), honey (shahad) and Indian Gooseberry (amla) to ward off ailments like Corona.
Dr Dilip Mishra suggested that Moong dal soup be prepared daily in which a bit of rock salt should be added and consumed in the evening.
Dr Dilip Mishra further stated that the Indian gooseberry may be used in any form.
In the form of consumable powder (Churan), eating the gooseberry itself directly, not only this the Indian gooseberry can be taken in the morning in the form of green tea too.
Treatment for allergic patients
With the change in weather, it is also very important to take care of patients who suffer from allergies.
Patients of cough and cold must take special care to increase their immunity.
Patients of allergy should take pepper along with 3 pieces of sugar-candy, children may be given one bit of pepper with some pieces of sugar-candy.
Water may be heated with mint and its steam has to be inhaled and taken in the morning as well as in the evening. This will provide complete protection from the corona threat.
Ways to treat throat ailments
The symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, adversely affect the throat.
To treat the cycle of impurity in the throat, yoga should be performed in the morning and the evening.