Chandigarh: The Centre has enhanced the security of four Punjab BJP leaders, who quit the Congress and joined the saffron party, by providing them with the X category. The ministers, who have been provided with the X-category, include former Punjab Cabinet Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu, former Cabinet Minister Gurpreet Singh Kanga, former MLA Jagdeep Singh and Amarjit Singh Tikka.
Centre provides X-category security to four Punjab BJP leaders
Former Punjab Cabinet Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu, former Cabinet Minister Gurpreet Singh Kanga, former MLA Jagdeep Singh and Amarjit Singh Tikka have been provided with X-category security.
Centre provides X category security to four Punjab BJP leaders
All four leaders left Congress and joined the BJP. The security for the four leaders was beefed up on the recommendations of the IB. The development comes two weeks after Shiv Sena leader Sudhir Suri was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Punjab's Amritsar.