Amritsar (Punjab):In a joint operation conducted by the Border Security Force (BSF) and Punjab police, 2.630 kg of heroin contained in five small bottles and wrapped in a plastic bag, was recovered on Thursday. The consignment of drugs dropped by a Pakistani drone was recovered at Ranian village in the Amritsar district of the state.
Acting on a tip-off that a Pakistani drone had entered the Indian territory, the joint team of BSF and Punjab police conducted a search operation at Ranian village and was successful in impounding the consignment. The value of the seized drug in the international market was stated to be around Rs 17.50 crore.
After the recovery of the contraband, the BSF officials sealed the consignment and sent it to a laboratory for forensic testing. About the seizure, the BSF also shared the information on the social media platform. Based on intelligence inputs, BSF personnel carried out a search operation and was successful in recovering five plastic bottles containing suspected narcotics substance dropped by a Pakistani drone at Ranias village of Amritsar.