Jalandhar: In a tragic incident, five members of a family were burnt alive due to an explosion in a house allegedly caused by gas leakage in Avtar Nagar residential colony in Jalandhar district of Punjab on Sunday night, officials said. The house owner is said to be a BJP worker. The deceased BJP worker has been identified as Yashpal Ghai.
Besides Ghai, daughter-in-law Ruchi and three girls were among the dead in this tragic accident. It is being told that the compressor of the refrigerator exploded after a gas leak late at night. An official said that due to this explosion, the house caught fire and the family did not get a chance to get out. Sources said that Yashpal had a hardware business in Avtar Nagar itself.
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BJP leader Ashok Sareen Hickey, who reached the spot as soon as he got the information about the incident, has expressed his grief over this painful accident. Ashok Sareen Hickey said that it has been learned from the scene that all the family members present in the house were watching the ongoing cricket match between India and Australia.
Ashok Sarin said that the accident was caused due to gas leakage from the LPG cylinder in the house. He said that first the gas cylinder leaked and then sparking occurred in the refrigerator due to which the compressor burst. The compressor of the refrigerator exploded causing a huge explosion and the fire quickly spread throughout the house.
The fire spread so fast that Yashpal Ghai and his family members did not even get a chance to get out, an official said. Ashok Sarin said that Yashpal's son Inderpal's condition is also critical. He is admitted to a hospital near Football Chowk. AAP MP Sushil Rinku from Jalandhar also visited to the spot to express grief with the family members after getting the information about the accident.