Chandigarh (Punjab): The three-day protest staged by the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) in Panchkula concluded following a meeting with Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya, prompting the farmers to disperse from the protest site and head back to their homes. As they departed, the United Kisan Morcha revealed plans for a significant gathering scheduled to be held in Hisar on December 11 where crucial decisions, including the possibility of a march towards Delhi, are expected to be discussed.
The decision to conclude the protest was announced after a 21-member delegation, representing farmers and labourers, met Governor Bandaru Dattatreya. Ratnaman Singh, State President of BKU, highlighted the positive reception by the Governor, assuring them that their demands would be communicated to the Central Government.
Expressing their sentiments, farmer leader Suresh Kauth warned the existing government, emphasising that the country belongs to everyone, demanding the acceptance of their demands to ensure the welfare of farmers. He stressed that the Minimum Support Price (MSP) is essential, guaranteeing farmers' income and stability.