Jalandhar:Artificial intelligence technology will be used to further enhance efficiency of the Punjab police, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said on Friday. He said the state government will soon introduce the AI technology for enhancing the efficiency of Punjab Police to make it a front ranking force in the country. According to an official statement, Mann was addressing a gathering during the passing out parade of 2,999 constables here.
He envisioned that this initiative will go a long way in further improving the policing in the state. He said that the decision aims at making Punjab a frontrunner in the usage of AI. The Chief Minister said that being a border state a number of forces inimical to state have been chalking out nefarious designs to disturb hard earned peace of state but the Punjab Police has always foiled such attempts.
He said that to further overcome major challenges faced by the state it is imperative that the police force is updated as per advanced requirements in the field of investigation, science and technology. Bhagwant Singh Mann expressed hope that the Punjab Police will uphold the glorious legacy of serving the people with utmost professional commitment.
Mann said that to check the fatality rate due to road accidents in the state on one hand and to streamline the movement of traffic on the roads of the state on the other, the state government has launched Sadak Surakhya Force. Mann said that this force will be entrusted with the task of checking rash driving, streamlining vehicular movement on roads and others to check the road accidents.