Chandigarh: Amid the ongoing hunt by the Punjab Police for radical Sikh preacher Amritpal Singh, another moderate Sikh preacher has appealed for calm among Sikhs in the state. Sikh preacher Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwala has released a video on his social media page and said that a lot has been happening in Punjab for the past few days.
He said that everyone has a different way of looking at any incident and it is his or her right to look at every issue on his own. Dhadrianwala said that everyone is not daring to speak out his mind, because whoever tries to put forward an opinion on the matter, is labelled a traitor and a hypocrite. He said that the truth will always be the truth while appealing to the people to listen to everybody's opinion.
Also read:Setback to Amritpal Singh as founding member of Waris Punjab De distances himself from pro-Khalistan leader
“Amritpal Singh is not our enemy, he is also a Sikh, we are also Sikhs,” he said. Dhadrianwala said that Amritpal Singh is not the only one who conducts Amrit Sanchar to the Sangat, adding that there are many such organizations which conduct Amrit Sanchar every week. “Amrit sanchar was done many times by our Lord, but it happened only to Amritpal that he did the amrit sanchar and action was taken against him, his companions were put in jails. Why is there a need to think like this?” he asked.
Dhadrianwala also hit out at the national media over its p[portrayal of Sikhs. “Sikhs are being made fun of in the society that they first issue big statements and then run away. There is a notion that whoever tends to be a firebrand is panth-friendly and whoever speaks wisely is hypocrite of the sect,” he said. He further said that at a time when there is a demand to free captive Sikhs who hav already completed their terms, more Sikhs are being put behind the bars in the aftermath of the operation against Amritpal Singh.