Bhubaneswar:Two hardcore Maoists carrying cash awards surrendered before Odisha police on Sunday, police said. Rame Podiami alias Sabita, an area committee member of the outlawed CPI (Maoist) & Pallachalam LOS (local organisation squad) commander, and Raidhar Dhurua, working as PM and secretary of Daldali Cell surrendered before the police. Sabita carried a cash reward of Rs 2 lakh while Raidhar had Rs 1 lakh on his head.
Both surrendered in presence of DGP Abhay at the Malkangiri SP office on Sunday morning. They have surrendered in view of rising Covid-19 infections among the Maoists, sources said. The Left Wing Extremism (LWE) activities have significantly come down in the Malkangiri district, especially in the cut-off area. Many security camps have been set up in the cut-off area in the last year, DGP Abhay said.