New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday referred the transfer petition filed by Odiya film actor Varsha Priyadarshini, who is having a matrimonial dispute with Biju Janta Dal (BJD) MP Anubhav Mohanty, to the Supreme Court Mediation Center for a settlement.
Varsha Priyadarshini had in September this year moved the apex court seeking a direction to transfer the divorce hearing against her husband Anubhav Mohanty from Delhi to a Cuttack family court citing grounds of travelling a long distance and COVID-19 pandemic.
A single-judge bench of Justice Hrishikesh Roy, while hearing the transfer petition (TP) of Varsha Priyadarshini, referred it to Supreme Court Mediation Center for a settlement.
"This court refers this transfer petition filed by the petitioner (Varsha) to Supreme Court Mediation Center," Justice Roy said.
Lawyer Ashwani Dubey, appearing for BJD MP and Odiya film actor Anubhav Mohanty, told the bench that Varsha is entitled for business class ticket, she has been staying in Delhi, is a film star and is financially sound.
Dubey further submitted that the aged parents of Anubhav Mohanty are critically ill and the transfer will affect their health. She is a successful actor, producer, social worker and keeps travelling from one part of the country to another, he said.
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