Bhubaneswar: In a startling revelation, Dutee Chand, athlete and Olympian from Odisha, said on Facebook recently that she had faced ragging as a junior at the Sports Hostel in Bhubaneswar. This comes in the backdrop of the alleged suicide of a 19-year-old student from BJB College in the city on Saturday. A suicide note recovered in the student's room accused three of her seniors of ragging her.
Olympian Dutee Chand shares her 'ragging experience' at Bhubaneswar Sports Hostel
Dutee Chand, Indian sprinter and Olympian from Odisha, reacted to the news of the alleged suicide of a 19-year-old Bhubaneswar college student on a social media platform, noting she too had faced similar treatment from her seniors during her stay at the Sports Hostel in the city.
Olympian Dutee Chand alleges ragging by seniors at Bhubaneswar Sports Hostel
Responding to a social media post, Chand wrote on Sunday, "We also faced ragging at sports hostel where seniors used to force me to massage their bodies and wash their clothes at Sports Hostel. I bore that pain for three years. As we were juniors at the hostel, the seniors used to torture us." The sprinter stayed at the hostel between 2006 and 2008. "Such pain could not be expressed before anyone," she also noted.