Bhubaneswar:The two accused in the death of a final-year engineering student of Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), whose body was found earlier this week near Sambalpur's PC bridge will face a lie-detection test in connection with the case, the police said on Saturday. The deceased, who hailed from Madanpur Rampur in Kalahandi district, was a student at the institution and had travelled to college on Tuesday to attend the convocation ceremony. According to the complaint lodged by the girl's family members, she was supposed to return home at around 10 pm the same evening, but did not.
The girl's body was recovered from the power channel using boats on Wednesday morning after she allegedly jumped to her death from the PC bridge of the Hirakud dam. In the complaint, meanwhile, the parents alleged that their daughter was murdered. Following this, a case was registered under IPC sections 201, 302 and 34 at the Burla police station.