Bhubaneswar: The Khordha District Court on Monday allowed the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to take co-accused in the honey trapping, sextortion case in which one Archana Nag and her husband Jagabandhu Chand have been arrested. It is learnt that the court sent Archana's business partner Khageswar Patra again on a 3-day remand for further interrogation.
The ED told the court that Patra had not cooperated with the agency’s officials during his earlier remand of 10 days. Notably, the ED arrested Patra on November 12. He was running a used car dealership business between 2010 and 2019. Archana Nag and her husband Jagabandhu Chand have been arrested for allegedly amassing wealth by honey-trapping prominent people in Odisha.
Both Nag and Chand are currently lodged in jail. Recently, the ED registered a money laundering case against the couple and their two associates — Patra and Sradhanjali Behera. At a time when the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is investigating the alleged nexus of politicians with lady blackmailer Archana Nag, opposition leaders have brought IAS and IPS officers under the scanner of ED by maintaining that apart from politicians, IAS and IPS officers had fallen prey to Archana’s honey trap.