Bhubaneswar (Odisha): In the honey trap case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has questioned one more businessman named Gangadhar Samal, who is a ruling party MLA's brother in Odisha. The money laundering case against the main accused, lady blackmailer Archana Nag, is taking many twists and turns. The ED has already quizzed businessman Amiyakant Das, film maker Akshaya Parija and honey trapper’s associate Shradhanjali Behera.
Meanwhile, the investigating officers found that Archana Nag hired high profile call girls to trap her victims. More than a dozen leaders from the ruling and opposition parties in the State were allegedly blackmailed. They included prominent leaders, influential persons, businessmen, film producers and real-estate developers.
In the latest instance, Gangadhar Samal, who deposed before the ED on Thursday, is a car showroom owner besides being a BJD MLA's brother. The businessman gave around Rs 30 lakh to Archana, sources said. Now the ED officials are trying to find the reason behind Samal doing such a big transaction with the lady blackmailer.
Also Read:Odiya Filmmaker Akshay Parija appears before ED in honey trap case
The honey trap case came to lime light following a complaint lodged by the film producer. This came after purported pictures of the film maker with a girl went viral on social media. Akshaya Parija accused Archana and another woman, Shradhanjali Behera, of making extortion demands of Rs 3 crore from him. The Enforcement Directorate is trying to petition the court once again to take the main accused on remand.