New Delhi:The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has directed the Odisha Chief Secretary to pay Rs 1 lakh as compensation to the victim of medical negligence whose urinary tract has been cut while conducting family planning operation and to submit a compliance report along with proof of payment within six weeks. Acting on the petition filed by prominent human rights activist and Supreme Court lawyer, Radhakanta Tripathy, the NHRC passed the order. The petitioner, Tripathy, alleged that a doctor cut the urinary bladder of a woman while performing tubectomy on her at Daspalla Community Health Centre in Nayagarh district on July 16, 2019. Tripathy requested NHRC to take action against the errant officials and compensation to the victim. Pursuant to the issuance of conditional summons, the Joint Secretary of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Odisha forwarded the enquiry report of Chief District Medical (CDM) and Primary Health office (PHO), Nayagarh.
It is submitted that on July 15, 2019, there was a sterilisation (Mini lap) operation camp at Community Health Center (CHC), Dasapalla. "Dr Nabakishore Sahoo Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) Specialist conducted a Mini lap tubectomy operation. He found adhesion of peritoneum with pelvic soft tissue, and during the separation of adhesion, he found that the anterior wall of the urinary bladder was injured. He repaired the bladder with vicryl stitch and put a folic catheter for urination and advised her to remain inward for treatment, Tripathy submitted. The patient was referred to District Head Hospital (DHH), Nayagarh. The patient was kept in the O&G ward for a parenteral antibiotic. The patient was kept in observation for 22 days and the catheter was removed. After doing ultrasonography, the bladder was alright and the patient was discharged, he said.
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The NHRC observed that during the tubectomy operation of the victim, the victim sustained an injury on the anterior wall of the urinary bladder, which was repaired with vicryl stitch, and a folic catheter for urination was put, along with that, she was advised to remain in the ward for treatment. Later, the victim was referred to the DHH, Nayagarh, on the demand of her co-patients. She was admitted to DHH on July 16, 2019, with a complaint of abdomen pain following attempted tubectomy operation for 22 days and she was discharged on August 6, 2019, Tripathy said.