Puri (Odisha): With the entire world battling the coronavirus pandemic, the financial conditions of many have been adversely affected during different phases of the lockdown and unlock process in the past eight months.
Businesses have undergone a severe economic recession, and the temple town of Puri in Odisha is no exception to this tragedy. Not only the business community has fallen victim to the economic recession in Puri, but many innocent animals have also died due to starvation.
During the current year, many traders had purchased horses borrowing lakhs of rupees hoping to make a good profit out of their business in horses. However, all their dreams were shattered due to the coronavirus lockdown.
Due to the economic crisis faced by these business-owners due to the lockdown, they have found it extremely difficult to arrange food for themselves and their families, let alone provide food grains required for these innocent animals daily. As a result, as many as sixty horses and camels have died so far due to starvation and various diseases.