Bhubaneswar (Odisha):The Odisha cabinet on Friday approved a proposal to frame new rules to appoint eligible family members of the deceased government employees to the posts of Group D under the rehabilitation assistance scheme.
As per the decision, a member of the family of a government employee, who dies while being in service under any category, will be rehabilitated to any post of Group D on compassionate grounds.
The government proposed to frame a new set of rules-the Odisha Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules 2020 repealing the Orissa Civil Service (Rehabilitation Assistance) Rules 1990 and subsequent amendments.
Fifty per cent vacancies of the total sanctioned strength of Group D posts will be filled up so that the applicants get maximum opportunities for appointment on rehabilitation assistance scheme.
The cabinet also approved the amendments to the long term ore linkage policy to the industries through Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC).