Puri: After an incident of scuffle witnessed between two personnel of Jagannath Temple Police (JTP) leading to disruption of rituals of the deities, the Niti Administrator of Sri Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) on Sunday ordered a probe into the matter.
According to reports, the verbal duel between two cops, who were appointed on the premises of Shree Mandir, took an ugly turn and in a fit of rage, a policeman attacked another one. Following this, one of the policemen was critically injured at the spot.
The scuffle witnessed bloodstains on the precincts of Srimandir leading to disruption of rituals of the holy trinity.
Immediately, the injured one was rushed to the local hospital for treatment. The sevayats later sanitised the Jagmohan and performed the Mangal Alati of the Lords after performing their Maha Snana (bathing) rituals, reports said.