Jammu: Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri took a swipe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for demanding the resignation of the Union Railways Minister following the Odisha train tragedy. Puri stated on Monday that the Railways Minister had spent several hours reviewing the accident site and successfully restored everything within a span of just 51 hours.
"Statements that Rahul Gandhi makes in and outside the country, often leave me baffled and worried. I reminded him about the Nellie Massacre as well...PM Modi went to visit that place. Three Union Ministers were also there. And everything went back within 51 hours. The person to whom Rahul Gandhi is asking to resign is at the tragedy site for hours," Puri said.
A tragic three-way collision involving two passenger trains and a freight train in Odisha on Friday resulted in the deaths of at least 275 people and more than 1,100 injuries. The accident occurred when the Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express entered a track where a goods train was halted and collided with it, causing several coaches to veer onto the opposite track.
The Howrah Express, travelling from Yesvantpur to Howrah, then struck the carriages at high speed, resulting in derailment. Rahul Gandhi on Sunday said that the Prime Minister should immediately seek the resignation of Ashwini Vaishnaw for the tragic train accident in Odisha's Balasore. The Congress leader stepped up the attack on the Central government stating that till now "no accountability even after 270+ deaths".
"No accountability even after 270+ deaths! The Modi government cannot run away from taking responsibility for such a painful accident. The Prime Minister should immediately seek the resignation of the Railway Minister!" Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet. Several Opposition leaders have been asking for Union Railways Minister's resignation.