New Delhi:The Centre has notified the appointment of Sibo Sankar Mishra, advocate-on-record, and Ananda Chandra Behera, judicial officer, as judges of Orissa High Court. The Centre also notified the appointment of a judicial officer as an additional judge of the Gauhati High Court and also an additional judge as a judge of the Kerala High Court.
Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, on X, formerly known as Twitter, said: “In exercise of the power conferred by the Constitution of India, the President of India, after consultation with the Chief Justice of India, is pleased to appoint the following as Judges / Additional Judges of High Courts. I convey my best wishes to them: - Sibo Sankar Mishra, advocate, appointed as judge, Orissa High Court; Ananda Chandra Behera, judicial officer, appointed as judge, Orissa High Court; Budi Habung, judicial officer, appointed as an additional judge, Gauhati High Court; and Justice C. S. Sudha, Additional Judge, Kerala High Court, appointed as a judge, Kerala High Court”.
Also read:165 judges appointed in HCs across country, says Ministry of Law and Justice