New Delhi : A day after Congress leader's defamatory comment against NDA Presidential candidate Draupadi Murmu, the BJP has planned a protest across Odisha, Jharkhand and other tribal majority areas on Thursday. As per reports, former Lok Sabha Member and Congress leader, Ajoy Kumar had said, "Draupadi Murmu is a decent person but she represents a very evil philosophy of India. We should not make Draupadi Murmu the symbol of adivasis. Ram Nath Kovind is the President and Hathras happened, did he say a word? The condition of Scheduled Caste has become worse." The BJP also said that comment has sparked anger among the tribals.
On Thursday in a tweet, national in-charge of BJP Information and Technology Department, Amit Malviya said, "Congress spokesperson Dr Ajoy Kumar's atrocious comment against NDA's Presidential nominee Draupadi Murmu has sparked anger among the tribals. Today, BJP is holding massive protests across Odisha, Jharkhand and other prominent tribal majority areas."In an earlier tweet, Malviya had said,