Mumbai (Maharashtra) : An unidentified young man allegedly molested a 24-year-old girl on a moving local train in Mumbai on Friday night. A case of molestation has been registered against the accused in the Mumbai Central Railway Police Station. The incident happened when the young woman, a resident of Malad, was going to Charni Road by local train for work.
As the local train reached Grant Road railway station, the unknown accused stepped into the compartment and began harassing the young woman with abusive and obscene gestures. When the concerned young woman screamed, the young man jumped and ran away as soon as the locals slowed down. In this case, the girl filed a complaint at the Mumbai Central Railway Police Station.
After registering a case of molestation, the Police are searching for the accused who is still absconding. The RPF, GRP, Crime Branch and Mumbai Police have formed teams and started searching for the accused. Police are checking the CCTV camera footage installed at the railway station.
Also read:Kerala: Woman kidnapped and raped by friend in Thiruvananthapuram; accused arrested