Mumbai: Referring to reports on allegations made by the bodyguard of 'witness' in drugs-on-cruise case, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut took to Twitter to share a video of Aryan Khan sitting with the 'witness.' Raut called pressuring the witness to sign on blank paper by Narcotics Control Bureau as shocking. Seeking suo moto cognizance of the matter by police, Raut tagged Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and said that the cases are made to defame Maharashtra.
"Witness in AryanKhan case made to sign on blank paper by NCB is shocking. Also, there are reports that there was demand of huge money. CM UddhavThackeray said that these cases are made to defame Maharashtra. This seems to be coming true @Dwalsepatil. Police should take suo moto cognizance@CMOMaharashtra," tweeted Raut.
Prabhakar Sail, a 'witness' in the case alleged that he was made to sign a blank paper by the central agency. Coming up with stern allegations, he further said that there is a threat to his life from NCB chief Sameer Wankhede after KP Gosavi went missing, as per reports.