Mumbai:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday arrested one more accused in connection with the Visakhapatnam espionage case after raiding two locations in Mumbai, the agency said. The case involved the leakage of classified defence-related information through a Pakistani ISI spying network, the NIA said in a statement.
With the arrest of Amaan Salim Shaikh from Mumbai, the number of the arrested persons so far has gone up to three, it said. The NIA has already charge-sheeted four persons, including two absconding Pakistani operatives, in this case, it added. While on the hunt for the wanted accused, the NIA on Monday conducted raids at two locations in Mumbai and at another location at Hojai in Nagaon district of Assam, the agency said.
Shaikh was found involved in the activation of SIM cards that were being used by Pakistani intelligence officers involved in the racket, it said. The racket first came to light in 2021, when the Counter Intelligence Cell, Andhra Pradesh, registered a case on January 12 that year under sections 120 B (criminal conspiracy) and 121A (Conspiring to commit certain offences against the State) of the Indian Penal Code, sections 17 and 18 of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, and section 3 of Official Secrets Act, 1923.