Mumbai:Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday said the guilty in the Mansukh Hiran death case will be punished, but police officer Sachin Vaze should not be targeted until his alleged involvement is established.
Facing heat over Assistant Police Inspector Vaze's alleged link to Hiran's mysterious death, the government earlier in the day announced his transfer from the Mumbai crime branch.
Hiran, who had the vehicle which was later found with explosives outside the residence of industrialist Mukesh Ambani, was found dead in a creek in Thane last week.
Read:|Cop Sachin Vaze's name came in statement of Mansukh Hiren's wife: Anil Deshmukh
His wife has made allegations against Vaze in her statement.
"Let the probe be over. The guilty, whoever they are, will not be spared," he said, speaking to reporters after the end of the Budget session of the Maharashtra legislature.
On Leader of Opposition Devendra Fadnavis' claim that Vaze was a member of Thackeray's party, the Shiv Sena, the chief minister said the officer had become a party member in 2008 and he had not renewed the membership.