Mumbai: Actor-politician Urmila Matondkar on Wednesday said her Instagram account has been hacked, following which she has filed an FIR with Maharashtra Cyber, the state police's cyber wing.
Matondkar took to Twitter to report that her Instagram profile was compromised after she responded to a direct message (DM) on the photo-video sharing app.
'My Instagram account has been hacked @instagram. First they DM you and ask to follow a few steps and verify the account and then it gets hacked. Really!? #NotDone,' the 46-year-old actor wrote on the microblogging site.
In a subsequent tweet, Matondkar said she has filed a First Information Report (FIR) with Maharashtra Cyber about the account hack, adding women must not take 'cyber crimes' lightly.
Read: Urmila Matondkar thanks people for standing by her after Kangana's foul comment