The two girls, one aged 17 who, according to police, is mentally unstable and the other around 4 years old, are residents of Ghazipur district in UP. They had last month gone to their aunt's house in the neighbouring Chandauli district, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Deepak Deoraj told reporters here on Monday.
However, while returning home, the girls, instead of boarding a train to Ghazipur, wrongly got into another train headed to Mumbai, he said. The girls, who spoke in Bhojpuri language, were found
sitting on a platform of the Thane railway station on January 15, but they were unable to tell the police their address or home town, he said.
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The police took custody of the girls and presented them before a local court which ordered that the elder sibling be admitted to the Thane Mental Hospital for treatment and the younger one be lodged at an orphanage in Dombivali town, Deoraj said.