New Delhi:Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Tuesday to discuss the Maratha reservation issue, said Shiv Sena sources. Last month, Uddhav Thackeray wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him to take steps to declare the Maratha community in the state as Socially and Educationally Backward (SEBC) to enable them to claim the reservation in education and public employment at least to 12 per cent and 13 per cent respectively.
"The Judgement delivered by the Constitution Bench (comprising of five Judges) of the Supreme Court on May 5, 2021, has given me this occasion to write to you with the earnest request that appropriate steps be taken at the earliest to grant reservation to the Maratha community from my State, albeit in accordance with the law, to the minimum extent of 12 per cent in Education and 13 per cent in Public Employment," the Maharashtra Chief Minister had written.
Read:Committee headed by former HC judge to study Maratha quota judgement
Further, Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamana, in its editorial on May 31 had said that the battle for the Maratha reservation will be fought in Delhi. The editorial said it becomes necessary to knock on the doors of Delhi on the issue of the Maratha reservation. "The collision will prove to be decisive. To destabilize the politics of Maharashtra, the opposition will use the issue of the Maratha reservation as a weapon, then they will have to stop it in time," it stated.