Mumbai:The Shiv Sena (UBT) on Friday mocked the 'Cow Hug Day' initiative for Valentine's Day on February 14 and took a swipe at Narendra Modi claiming billionaire industrialist Gautam Adani was a "holy cow" for the prime minister. The Animal Welfare Board of India has issued an advisory urging people to celebrate Valentine's Day as 'Cow Hug Day' to spread "positive energy" and encourage "collective happiness", the move getting the backing of some Bharatiya Janata Party leaders while also generating several memes ridiculing it.
The value of shares of Adani Group firms have taken a beating over the last few weeks after US-based Hindenburg Research accused it of stock manipulation and fraud. These have been denied by the Adani group. In an editorial in party mouthpiece 'Saamana', the Uddhav faction of the Shiv Sena said despite protests in Parliament against Adani, the PM did utter a single word on the "scam".