Pune: Two people were injured while goods worth lakhs of rupees were reduced to ashes after a massive blaze gutted three shops in Maharashtra's Pune in the early hours of Monday, officials said. As per officials, the incident took place near D Mart on Pune-Satara road last night around 2.30 am. An official said that the local Fire and Emergency Department received a distress call about a fire incident in some shops near D Mart on Satara road at 2:22 am midnight.
Accordingly, a total of six fire tenders, two water tankers and an ambulance were dispatched from the fire brigade to the spot. An official said that the fire had engulfed three shops dealing in electronic goods and mobile phones. The cause of the fire incident was not immediately known. The Fire Brigade along with the locals soon swung into action and brought the fire under control by dousing the flames.
Also read:One killed in fire at Mumbai Hospital, two injured in Pune fire