Mumbai: A man died by suicide after consuming poison, along with his brother, after the siblings were allegedly harassed by a moneylender to return the money in Maharashtra's Nashik on Sunday, the police said. The deceased has been identified as Rabindranath Laxman Kamble. His brother Jagannath Laxman Kamble, who also consumed poison in the incident, is battling for life, the police said.
According to the police, Rabindranath Laxman Kamble died on the spot in the incident after he consumed poison at Nashik road. As per the relatives of the siblings, the duo was forced to take the extreme step due to harassment by a moneylender. According to relatives, Jagannath Laxman Kamble and Rabindranath Laxman Kamble were working for the brother of a leader belonging to a political party.
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The relatives said that the two brothers had borrowed money from a dubious moneylender some time ago. As the loan was not recovered from both of them, the moneylender forced the duo to pay the loan amount. Fed up of the harassment, both resorted to the extreme step by consuming poison. After the incident, the relatives of the victims blocked the Nashik-Pune road to demand justice for the siblings.
They also demanded police to arrest the accused money-lender. Pertinently, the cases of suicides due to alleged harassment by money-lenders is on the rise in Maharashtra. Recently, three members of the same family in Satpur died by suicide by hanging themselves due to harassment of the money lender. A case was registered against Chetan Prakash Borkar of Tamboli Nagar, Hirawadi, a moneylender, in Panchvati police station.