Nagpur: Police on Monday said that the three minor children who were found dead inside a car last night a day after they went missing in Farooq Nagar area of Nagpur in Mahrashtra, may have died of suffocation. The bodies of three children who went missing from Farooq Nagar in Pachpawali police station limits on Saturday night were found in a damaged car in the area on Sunday night.
City Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar while divulging further details over the deaths said that preliminary investigation has pointed to the death of all the three children due to suffocation. Kumar said that the preliminary post-mortem report of the deceased has not revealed any injury or other marks on the bodies.
Accordingly, a case of accidental death has been registered into the incident, the City Police Commissioner said. Police said that the three children went missing on Saturday afternoon. A complaint was lodged at the Pachpavali police station at around 7 pm in the evening. Accordingly, a massive search operation was launched by the police to trace the missing children.