Pune (Pimpri-Chinchwad): Three persons were killed and two others critically injured when they were hit by a speeding car on the Kalyan Nagar highway in Pune district of Maharashtra on Sunday night. It was a severe accident. Two people died on the spot and one grievously injured died while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Elephanta. All five were daily wagers and heading home after finishing their work.
The deceased have been identified as Jagdish Mahendra Singh Dawar, Surmal Manjare, and Dinesh Tarole. Those critically injured have been identified as Dinesh Jadhav and Vikram Tarole. From the preliminary investigation, it was learned that the car was moving at a high speed and the vehicle lost control before hitting the five laborers who were going home walking on foot. They were walking on the sidewalk of the highway, police sources said.
Sources in the police said that the five migrant workers' family was staying in the Digore area close to the Kalyan highway. They came to this place in search of a job.