Thane (Maharashtra) : Online conmen offered a 'work-from-home' job to a woman, lured her into cryptocurrency trading and eventually allegedly robbed her of Rs 14.30 lakh. Based on the complaint from a 50-year-old woman from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, the police booked a case and began the investigation against four suspects, sources said.
It all began when the woman complainant responded to a WhatsApp message she received on his mobile phone last month. The fraudsters initially gave some online job works to her. They paid adequate amounts to her for some days. In due course of time, the conmen made the woman do transactions in crypto trading.
The victim woman could not suspect the true intentions of the fraudsters, who have been paying her well and also showing good returns in cryptocurrency trading initially. Suddenly, the conmen stopped sending any money to her and also stalled all their transactions with her. The woman's attempts to contact them via WhatsApp and other means went in vain.