Mumbai: Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray asked the government to grant more FSI to mosques when he was told that Muslims are forced to offer namaaz on roads because of lack of space, Sena MP Sanjay Raut said on Saturday.
Speaking at an event at Belgaum in Karnataka, Raut also said that if religion became the basis of government, "India would become another Pakistan".
Thackeray, the late Sena patriarch, was known for aggressive Hindutva politics. "Balasaheb Thackeray was highly critical of namaz being offered on roads in Bandra, Bhendi Bazar (in Mumbai). He called representatives of the Muslim community and asked how it can be stopped," Raut said.
"He was told that Muslims don't have any other place to offer prayers. Muslim leaders said the state government should give additional FSI (building rights) to mosques, and Balasaheb agreed," Raut recalled.